19.01.2022 | 12.00 - 13.00 CET | Labcafé online | English

Global STEM Labs - Impulses for tomorrows learning spaces

Laboratory Building

In recent decades, STEM labs have always looked the same: Fixed classrooms and science labs along a long corridor imparting knowledge by means of frontal teaching. The world and the way of learning has changed radically. Together we will take a journey around the world and discover new space concepts that optimally promote 21st century skills and interdisciplinary, cross-competency laboratory learning. On top, these new generation of scientific spaces inspire our researchers of tomorrow and make most out of your school’s available spatial resources.

Our Labcafé online concept: Take a coffee break and be inspired! Once a month, we look to new trends from different perspectives. What, Why, How - three short impulses from international operators, managers, planners, users and experts for all visionaries of future labs.



Welcome & Moderation

Alexander Biller | Director Concepts + Innovations | Waldner

12.00 - 12.20

Impulse 1

What are the trends for future learning?​

Svenia Busson | Co-founder and Managing Director | LearnSpace (France)

12.20 - 12.40

Impulse 2

Why do we need completely new layouts?​

Elena Aralova |  Executive Director | Martela (Russia)

12.40 - 13.00

Impulse 3

How can we develop inspiring STEM Labs?​

Alexander Biller | Director Concepts + Innovations | Waldner (Germany)

13.00 - 13.20

Q&A Session

Zur Karriere-Website
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