Ernst-Reuter-Schule - School with media competence
The Ernst-Reuter-Schule (ERS) in Karlsruhe is a comprehensive school which sees itself not only as a "learning world" but above all as a "living world". Pupils are to be prepared here for (professional) life with innovative pedagogical concepts. ERS is, for example, convinced that media education must be holistic, which is why digital media are an important and essential part of everyday school life. The comprehensive school has already received several awards for its media education concept. In order to optimise the use of digital technologies and media for the pupils, the Ernst-Reuter-Schule has turned a room into a makerspace: this novel concept is intended to break down subject boundaries, enable the combination of knowledge and offer even more space for new ideas.

Media education with the latest technology

At the Ernst-Reuter School, pupils now have a room in which they can fully develop their digital and media skills. The combination of flexible media supply and mobile equipment allows a wide variety of room uses in no time at all: whether film studio or tinkerer's workshop - the furnishing elements can be moved, folded up and recombined in no time at all.