15.06.2022 | 12.00 - 13.00 CEST | Labcafé online | English

Laboratory automation is evolving rapidly. End-to-end digital processes and device integration, mobile and cognitive robots, new handling tasks, sensor and analytics integration, and self-learning solutions such as organoid handling are making the field more diverse. The new technical possibilities meet requirements such as sustainability, miniaturized processes and efficient use of equipment, the desire for ease of use, optimal integration into laboratory environments and compliance with regulatory standards. Increasingly, automated laboratory devices are evolving into specific decetralized production machines that, for example, fill syringes in drug stores, process cells for patients or print RNA for personalized therapies. The impulses will address these issues and provide examples of where laboratory automation is heading.
Our Labcafé online concept: Take a coffee break and be inspired! Once a month, we look to new trends from different perspectives. What, Why, How - three short impulses from international operators, managers, planners, users and experts for all visionaries of future labs.
- 12.00
Welcome & Moderation
Alexander Biller | Director Concepts + Innovations | Waldner
- 12.00 - 12.20
Impulse 1
What are the top trends in lab automation?
Andreas Traube | Head of Department | Fraunhofer IPA
- 12.20 - 12.40
Impulse 2
Why are automated labs an important step into the future?
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Müller | Senior Product Manager | hte – the high throughput experimentation company from BASF
- 12.40 - 13.00
Impulse 3
How can we create lab automation to individual needs?
Prof. Dr. Volker Nestle | Head of Development LifeTech | Festo
- 13.00 - 13.20
Q&A Session